Shabby background


just pick the place

Walls, Doors, a Fireplace, the Kitchen ...
so many places to hang a decoration in our home during the  Christmas Holidays. Have a look ... many more are on their way ...


tags tags tags ...

today we are into Xmas gift tags!
visit the CHRISTMAS category for more ...


Thursday 18th October, 2012

Good afternoon to all,

It's been a beautiful sunny day & a very warm afternoon here in Greece today.
I am beginning to strongly believe that all this financial crisis is taking place because the northern part of Europe envies us for our amazing climate!

Anyhow, I have been trying to get my blog active for the past few weeks, have sort of finalized it somehow today, so would love to see you join it & add your comments too.

Keep visiting for more new stuff to come ... very soon ...
much love